by CrestCore Realty | Aug 31, 2017 | Uncategorized
If you tell your friends you’re considering investing in real estate rental properties, you’re likely going to hear a wide assortment of reasons why you shouldn’t do it. Most of these reasons will follow the typical horror story—tenants can make life challenging. They...
by CrestCore Realty | Apr 27, 2017 | Uncategorized
CrestCore’s Douglas Skipworth speaks with Alex Osenenko about CrestCore’ passion for educating real estate investors.
by CrestCore Realty | Feb 17, 2017 | Uncategorized
Is it better to buy rental houses in Memphis, TN or Las Vegas, NV? Watch this video to find out! Local expert Douglas Skipworth makes the case for Memphis while George Trombley presents the merits of Vegas. Property management guru Alex Osenenko of fourandhalf...
by CrestCore Realty | Oct 27, 2016 | Uncategorized
Often times, when we speak with property management clients on their ideal client, they are investors who own multiple rental properties. It’s an attractive customer type to keep in your portfolio as investors usually: Are more hands-off Have more money to spend And...
by CrestCore Realty | Apr 1, 2016 | Property Management, Uncategorized
CrestCore reveals new artwork in the main Conference room! Sandy Branson, Liz Parr, and Ben Trombly pictured working hard on installation of new decor. When CrestCore was first developed, there was a strong desire to create a relevant logo that had strong imaging as...
by CrestCore Realty | Dec 8, 2015 | Uncategorized
Above is a 3-minute video summary of the presentation our friend Jay Papasan gave in Memphis about his best-selling book The ONE Thing. The heart of the book is about accomplishing many things by focusing on the simple few…better yet, the only ONE! What’s...